Milos Conference Center, Greece

18-23 June 2023

milos island moon landscape

Lidar 2023

3rd international workshop on space-based lidar remote sensing techniques and emerging technologies


Paper guidelines

Abstract submission:

Kindly visit the same link as for the registration procedure at https://lidar2023.synedry.com/home.aspx, create a profile (at the orange box on the right) and submit your abstract.
The abstract for either Oral presentation or Poster presentation needs to have maximum 150 words. The deadline for abstract submission is the 15th of May 2023.


After that, for the full papers the IEEE template for conferences shall be followed. The author can choose any of the given format (US letter, A4 or Latex) as a PDF file and keep size max 6 pages for Oral presentation and 4 pages for Poster presentation.

Please send full papers at Pol.Ribes@ext.esa.int and to info@lidar-workshop-2023.com with Subject: Full Paper LIDAR 2023 & your full name.